about us

we are effecto

Welcome to the vibrant world of Effecto – a journey that began as a one-woman show and has evolved into a dynamic marketing force, shaping the narratives of numerous companies across diverse sectors such as agriculture, industry, interior design, medicine, high-tech, human resources, construction, infrastructure, energy, and beyond.

At Effecto, we embody the belief that success is not handed to you;
you must pursue it with unwavering determination.

A decade of trailblazing achievements has seen us orchestrate genuine revolutions in the marketing realm for some of Israel’s foremost companies, including Siemens, Ortal, the Israeli Construction Center, Tigbur Group, and others. From crafting compelling social media posts to curating boardroom presentations, orchestrating PPC campaigns, engineering intricate automation processes, designing everything from banners to catalogs and billboards, organizing unique customer events, and producing entire exhibitions and conferences – every challenge we tackle transforms into a resounding triumph.

Yet, it is not just the monumental successes that set us apart; it’s the extraordinary relationships we form with our clients. Ask anyone who’s collaborated with us – we are always here for our customers.

So, if you’re in search of a team that’s not just dedicated, supportive, and creative but one that approaches each day with a passion for surpassing boundaries, optimizing processes, boosting leads and sales, crafting visuals that linger in the minds of viewers, and above all, a team committed to perpetual learning and growth – then look no further.

Reach out to us today, and we assure you: we will pave your path to success and guide you every step of the way


Orit Eichelt


Orit spends about 80 percent of the day on the phone (office, mobile, and sometimes both simultaneously). Her go-to is TA salad. She wakes up at 4 a.m. to cook a 5-course lunch and raise 5 children at the same time and does not know the meaning of the words “rest” or the phrase “take a break.” Oh, and there are certain people in the world (besides her kids) who do not do anything without consulting her first and getting her opinion (or permission).

Shani Sinay

Head of PPC & Social Media

Meet the heartbeat of our office, Shani.  She has an answer to every question, a solution to every problem. Shani has navigated through more campaigns than you’ve had cups of coffee (and that’s saying something). From sparking ideas to basking in the glory of success, she’s the captain of the campaign ship. Oh, and when it comes to birthdays – If it’s not a birthday bash that could rival a music festival, she might as well treat it like just another Tuesday 😉

Roy Tal

Graphic Designer

Roy is no ordinary graphic designer. He’s a work monster with humor darker than the coffee he drinks every morning. He loves to cook (but is too lazy to eat) and consistently amazes our clients with his insane designs, exceptional talent, and crazy speed. He masters a wide range of AI tools, using them to create unique and captivating designs that perfectly match your project’s needs.

Nitzan Sagi

PPC Manager

Nitzan is a walking encyclopedia of the PPC world, knowing all the latest trends before they even happen, and possesses vast knowledge in the field. Among all her tasks, Nitzan always finds time to assist every employee in the office, with a big smile and positive energy. Every campaign she manages succeeds amazingly and hits the bullseye.

Noam Michaeli

Social Media Manager

Noam is the employee of the month – every month. Living close to the office, he’s always there to move his car when someone needs a parking spot. He handles numerous clients, is always creative in his writing, and runs everyone’s social media pages with great energy. Clients in the office shower him with compliments and trust his work with their eyes closed.

Aluma Erlich

Social Media Manager

Aluma’s life story could easily be a movie. From working with kids in Mea She’arim to a completely different career, she fears no challenges and approaches every task with impressive composure. She finds creative solutions and delivers remarkable results. Our clients praise her for her professional and dedicated work, and we know she’s a true asset to the company.

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